Monday, November 28, 2011

One small step for Dan, one giant leap for short people

So I have kind of let this blogging thing go to the way side, but let me catch you up a bit. My computer crashed.. Fellow Apple users will know my pain when I say I didn't purchase the extended warranty. Thankfully the brilliant J. Tibbs of Shed Annex fame identified the problem for me, saving me a call to the support center and racking up a hefty bill in go-fuck-yourself fees. Long story short, I spent a few days without internet while I had my hard drive replaced at the local Mac Cafe.

Without the internet I found a lot of spare time in my day. I spent a lot of it reading and enjoying the company of those around me. I know, it was awful! It turns out a blogger without a computer is just a cynical dickhead. Not to mention my doctor was concerned that I was getting too much sleep and my concentration levels were dangerously high. He handed me his iPhone and prescribed 6 hours of lolcats, STAT!

I understand this only accounts for a few days, but to make a much longer story even shorter, I'm moving into my own luxurious studio apartment to start off the new year. Nothing shows good life decision making quite like living in a single room, right? I always seem to pick the coldest months to move too.. Be that as it may, living alone is something I've wanted to do for a long time and I'm looking forward to the chance. I'm not even bothering with cable, so for better or for worse expect to see a lot more from this blog in the next year.

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